
Are Sustainable Dietary Patterns the Future of Food-Based Dietary Guidelines?

The relationship between nutrition and climate is becoming a central driver for achieving sustainable development, as demonstrated by the launch of the Initiative on Climate Action and Nutrition (I-CAN) at COP27, the first United Nations Climate Change Conference to have a Food Systems Pavilion. The new initiative is a partnership between Egypt (as COP27 Presidency), the World Health Organization (WHO), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), and other UN agencies and partners, to provide support on policies and actions that reduce climate change and improve nutrition.


Unlocking Workforce Well-being, with Nutrition at the Forefront

Our Account Director, Allison Pigatto, MS, RDN deep-dives into a practical way to address well-being at work, and how we help our partners navigate this space through strategic guidance and program implementation.


Our Latest Healthcare Professional Research & How It’s Relevant for Forward-Thinking Brands

Our Insights & Impact Director, Geoffrey Russo, MA, talks about our latest healthcare professional research that equipped him with confidence in our work with global change agents in health and nutrition - and beyond.


Positive Nutrition for Sustainable Development

With the backdrop of the global consensus on the need for food system transformation, we asked our internal global health and sustainability lead, Allison Pigatto, MS, RDN, to jot down a few thoughts on how different change agents work together to achieve SDGs.


Strategy, Solutions & Success: How to Chart the Course in the Food Space

With strategy being one of Eat Well Global’s core capabilities, we work with key players across the food system to “chart the course” and ensure success in their corporate and commercial plans. But what does strategy actually mean? Is it relevant to all players in food and nutrition? How can one develop and deliver on strategy, and what comes next?


Workforce Nutrition: Feeding the Future of Our Business

As a nutrition-focused company staffed by credentialed health professionals, the role of healthful eating patterns for overall wellbeing is undisputed at Eat Well Global. What we eat at home, at work or on the go impacts our physical, emotional, and mental health – yet we sometimes catch ourselves deprioritizing food over other tasks, especially on busy workdays.

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