A Healthcare Professional Marketing Journey: From Insights to Engagement

Research shows that working with credible healthcare professionals is key in the food, health, and nutrition space. But, what do you need to know before engaging with healthcare professionals? At Eat Well Global, we know that the answer lies in research and insights. Listening to healthcare professionals (HCPs) will get you closer to the truth about what your consumers want and need. In my past consumer insights positions, I rarely saw healthcare professionals’ insights featured in, or even paired with, consumer insights. Companies mostly rely on in-store data, traditional media, digital marketing, and social media influencers. I now realize that brands are missing a huge opportunity when it comes to really understanding their customers. If you want your consumers to receive factual, science-based information about your products, engaging with healthcare professionals is a fantastic approach. But without knowledge about the information that healthcare professionals are already sharing with your patients, there may be a leak in your consumer messaging - and your budget. We recommend the following approach when you first set out to engage with healthcare professionals:


Our Latest Healthcare Professional Research & How It’s Relevant for Forward-Thinking Brands

Our Insights & Impact Director, Geoffrey Russo, MA, talks about our latest healthcare professional research that equipped him with confidence in our work with global change agents in health and nutrition - and beyond.

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