Navigating the FDA’s Updated Healthy Claim: What it Means for the Food Industry

The long-awaitedfinal rule for the“healthy” nutrient content claim from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has finally arrived, marking a significant shift in how food companies can market their products.This update is more than just a regulatory change – it represents a thoughtful approach to promoting healthier food choices by establishing clearer standards for what can be labeled as "healthy."Let’s dig into what these changes mean for the food industry.

What a Good ATNi Score Can Mean for Your Business

Access to Nutrition Initiative (ATNi) is a global foundation, is dedicated to driving partnerships and innovations for market transformation so that all people have access to nutritious and sustainable food. By analyzing and translating data into actionable insights, the organization works to shape healthier food systems by working closely with companies, investors, policy makers and consumer groups.

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