As a global nutrition communication agency, we are lucky to have teammates that represent many different cultures and food traditions from around the world. That’s why 2022's National Nutrition Month theme, Celebrate a World of Flavors, was particularly relevant for us, as we know that the importance of food goes beyond sustenance and nutrients. To our diverse team of passionate food lovers and nutrition professionals, celebrating a world of flavors means that every culture gets a seat at the table and that every dish and recipe has a place in a healthy, nourishing diet. Every year, we celebrate a world of flavors at every level of the profession, be it at the individual level or population-wide.

Traditions and culture directly influence the food choices and habits of individuals and communities alike. And, as a team of nutrition and communications experts, we acknowledge the importance of tailoring messages to an audience. One way to celebrate a world of flavors is to ensure nutrition recommendations are culturally relevant. An emphasis on cultural competency in healthcare builds trust and empathy and plays a huge role in getting people to invest in long-term lifestyle changes.

We also celebrate a world of flavors through our client work here at Eat Well Global. In our mission to empower global change agents in food and nutrition, we counsel our clients with that global lens, always mindful of how culture affects food choices and behaviors. Our goal is ultimately to ensure that all cultures are represented in our communication strategies and engagement activities.

Using this global lens and honoring the diversity of food choices among cultures allows for HCPs as well as food and nutrition companies to meet patients and consumers where they are so that they can create sustainable, positive behavior changes. In ensuring that cultural competency is a priority for all types of food and nutrition professionals, there is an opportunity to help bridge the gap of nutritional health disparities among marginalized communities around the world.

We, as nutrition communication experts, can be part of this change by encouraging our partners to take steps to celebrate a world of flavors through culturally relevant nutrition content.

So, how can we be more well-versed in different cultures and cuisines?

We can:

  1. Build knowledge about different communities to better understand their food traditions.
  2. Expand on the definition of a “healthy plate,” and practice using cultural foods when making recommendations.
  3. Consider other cuisines when choosing imagery to support nutrition content
  4. Follow bloggers and influencers from different cultures to keep things fresh in the kitchen.
  5. Choose a cuisine you have never experienced before and share a meal with family or friends.